Sunday, July 28, 2024

Issue 87


My brother from another mother lives in Germany. His name is Daniel. We have a band called Wendyhouse. We made this diary comic about our parallel lives in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Aotearoa and Verl, Germany respectively. We've done this every couple since 2006! At that stage we were both married with babies. Now our babies are grown. Sometimes they talk to us, sometimes they don't. 

A4 black and white 

July 2024

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Issue 86

Not in shops, not for sale, but reach out baby and I'll loan (cough) you a copy so's not to be in breach of copyright as this beauty contains a mixtape (well, mix CD to be exact) of tracks off scratchy op shop finds. 

Pre Love & Hate Volume 224 reprises 15 years of music consumption dictated by one rule - only what I could find in op shops. No new music purchases, no downloads, no Spotify account. 

Here I narrate the pulling together of this final mix as I trawl op shops in Te Aro and Miramar. Drawings of CD covers included. Bangers by Gillian Welch, Aretha Franklin, Noël Coward, The Accelerants, The Surfaris, and more.

A5 black and white zine + mix CD

May 2024

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Issue 85


A diary of the first 100 days of NZ's coalition government. Spoiler alert, it's 100 days of slash and burn against Māori, against the environment, against (as per NZ First policy) 'woke NZ.' With coalition policies Frankensteined together from the policies of the three parties, there was no mandate for this shit to be pushed through 'under urgency.' Sham/e!

In the facing column, something a lot less dramatic from my own 100 days.

Mostly text, some drawings, black and white, A5.

March 2023

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Issue 84

The Bus issue, specifically the overnight bus from Te Whanganui-a-Tara / Wellington to Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland (and back). It's where the world meets. Featuring at least one theft, one vehicular accident, one fight, one dusty penis mural, and one meat pie. Words words words and drawings. Photocopy and Risograph on various paper stocks. 24 pages. A5. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Issue 83


A selection of diary comic panels that didn't make it into the issue 81 collab with Daniel Powell. 

'Kia ora. My name is Bryce Galloway, and this is my perzine. Perzine is zinester lingo for personal zine, not pervert zine (as the title of this zine might otherwise suggest). To help you make sense of the diary comics that follow, here's a little info about my world...'

A4 photocopy on recycled paper-stock

December 2022

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Issue 82


The work of participants at my chance poetry/collage workshop, held in November at Massey University, Te Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington

'A hole which passes completely through a bone

Wah ha ha ha ha ha!

How are we going?

Live laugh loving always

Thanks for helping me pay for my wedding

Secure a great spot in the pits'

- Davin

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Issue 81


The 9th twinny comic with my looooong time collaborator Daniel "Wendyhouse" Powell. My days in Te Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington page left, Dan's days in Verl, Germany page right. Hence the translation of Incredibly Hot Sex with Hideous People to German on the front cover. The former symmetry of mine and Dan's everyday of teaching, marriage and kids splinters somewhat in this latest narrative. Includes borer beetles, bad tempers, gardening, animal husbandry, blocked drains, Lemmy, and The Doors. 

A4 24-page comic with hideously misaligned Risographed cover. 

Released October 15, 2022 at Wellington Zinefest

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Issue 80


The Last Parenting Issue is too compromised for its own good which is why it's the last parenting issue. 'What's the point? I'll not be able to print any of this. These kids are adults now, they have fully formed public persona that cannot be fucked with by dear old dad." Written, redacted, rewritten, censored, rewritten, vetoed, and rewritten. See what's left of the last parenting issue. 

A5 Photocopy and purple Risograph on recycled paper stock. August 2022

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Issue 79


Loved the results of the homework I set students during summer school, so I completed the same homework for this here zine. Bugger! Wish the results were as good as the students. 

A5. Interior in colour. December 2021

Issue 78

'Is it weird to hide in the library and do automatic writing? It probably seems a bit adolescent. "What!? You got hopped up on Dada and Burroughs and off to do your automatic writing?" How fucking old are you!? Age is also a construct, to a point. What if nothing productive comes of this? Then I can just write an editorial about how I took myself to the library like some teenage bitch and wasted three days of my life, and here's some more 5-minute midnight drawings.' 

A5 Photocopy. December 2021.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Issue 77

 It's a teenage diary. It's boring and awkward. I have teenagers of my own now. I read them an excerpt, they told me not to print it. Cancel my kids.

I print this because it's boring and awkward. We are all boring and awkward. Especially at 18, in Hamilton, in 1984. 

(5th of the teenage diary issues. Also see issues 36, 40, 43, and 62)

A6 photocopy and orange Risograph on recycled paper stock. July 2021

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Issue 76

"Time flies when you're head down arse up in the domestic kaka. Fourteen years ago (issue 26) Daniel Powell and I created our first diary comics to be presented as parallel strips linking my Wellington (Aotearoa) and Daniel's Verl (Germany). Back then our respective lives involved infants and toddlers, broken sleep and dirty nappies... Now Daniel and I have teenage children, dipping their toes in life's boozy waters 

...grander themes are almost lost to life's everyday soup of emails, caffeine, weather reports etc etc."

First A4 zine.

Feb 20, 2021/Whanganui Zinefest.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Issue 75


A6 Riso cover with regular black and white photocopied guts: 'Lucky enough to score a residency at Te Matatiki Toi Ora (AKA The Arts Centre, Ōtautahi), I was to deliver one public workshop and otherwise work on curatorial and conference projects scheduled for February 2021 back in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Yeah nah, didn't seem I was working with Ōtautahi enough in that scenario, so instead, I've largely ignored the vetted projects to interview a raft of local zinesters and indie comics artists.' A6 Photocopy and Risograph print on recycled paper stock. Dec 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Issue 74

First ever small A6 issue of Incredibly Hot Sex with Hideous People. Inspired by the zine vending machines at Auckland Central Library and Mashuko, Wellington. A6 be the size of a standard postcard, so this is a 'remove the staples' zine of useable postcards. The postcards themselves are inspired by novelty tick box postcards from the 70s/80s wherein the writer got to choose between tick box options such as: the weather is lousy; the weather is hot, the weather is sublime. Er... these postcards contain less predictable prompts, with some acting more like Fluxus performance art scripts.
 A6 multi-coloured card stock. September 2020

Monday, June 22, 2020

Issue 73

"I was lucky to miss the txts and facebook messages until the end of Friday's teaching - 'Dad died this morning 8 am.' I certainly wouldn't have enjoyed trying to keep it together in front of an audience of students. As it was, I found out as I walked across campus. I then rushed to secret myself away in a private room, my panicked breathing eventually giving way to tears. Once I'd pulled myself together, I mapped a discreet route to my pushbike, hoping I could get there without bumping into any smiling waving colleagues or students." Writing and drawing. Photocopy and Risograph. The Grief Issue. A5 Photocopy and Risograph print on recycled paper stock. June 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Issue 72

Online access to full PDF cos of Covid

"Pandemics, so sci fi sexy. Conversely, this here narrative on - wait for it - 'chicken rearing' runs the risk of boring you shitless. Even my own family, who I'd presume would be somewhat sentimental about this narrative are telling me to stop boring them with questions about our chicken life." 12 years of chicken rearing... somewhere between personal narrative and a 'how to guide'" 5499 words on chickens!?!? Egads. May 2020.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Issue 71

Part printed on Risograph. It took me a long time to come around to this new old piece of Japanese technology. I was even suspicious enough of its pretty colours to call a presentation at Dunedin Zinefest, 'Riot or Risograph'. Anyhoo, this is a 20-page zine, part photocopy on recycled paper stock, part risograph on coloured paper stock. Cartoons, drawings and text art. February 2020

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Issue 70

Contains the compilation CD My Life with Miley Cyrus with contributions from a feast of weird-ass NZ musicians. Zine content is the third instalment of 'meeting famousness' narratives; regular folks anecdotes about selling shoes to famous actors, being movie extras alongside mega celebrities, and drunken after-party shenanigans. Drawings of everyday objects set the terrain. November 2019

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Issue 69

  The eighth diary comic collab between myself and Daniel Powell. The rules: a comic a day for three months, the best of these presented on facing pages like some kind of parallel universe; our respective lives in Wellington, NZ and Verl, Germany, peering at each other. Jun 2019.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Issue 68

"This zine is my other contribution to [Cuba Dupa and] the Toi Pōneke art park. It's a collection of 5-minute drawings, usually inked just before bed. Perhaps being too tired is a valuable part of the process... Perhaps. Please don't presume it's trash just because these drawings only took me 5-minutes. These are the ones that made it, I throw out the most of them, honest." Mar 2019.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Issue 67

"Keeping the diary brought a new appreciation for the birds, insects, and domestic animals that share my corner of Wellington. I started to notice certain behaviours and habitats and learnt to identify different species. That's quite a shift for someone who's always been as humancentric as any other arsehole, never a member of Forest & Bird, never a Boy Scout, never a camper or tramper." December 2018

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Issue 66

"In issues 49 and 57, I forced myself to write about parenting. And I mean forced. When I first had kids, it was all I could write about, but after the initial whiplash, the weirdness of having kids slowly fades. So much so that writing about parenting now requires my keeping a daily parenting diary, which I revisit to look for any patterns that might show me where the hell I am. I am lost to parenting, lost in parenting." 
Parenting - words and drawings. November 2018

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Issue 65

Lyrics from the many bands that were formed around my midlife crisis project. It took Leonard Cohen seven years of schlepping notebooks around to write the lyrics for Hallelujah. It took Iggy Pop one evening to write the lyrics for The Stooges debut album. Limited release initially (saving for future exhibition/s on the project). Issue 64 editorialises midlife crisis phenomena and the specific project’s band methodology before dedicating a page to each band’s story. Jan 2018.

Issue 64

My midlife crisis project. An attempt to form a band every month of my fiftieth year. After an intro on the mythological midlife crisis and my monthly band methodology (or lack thereof), each band is lovingly recounted. Illustrated with crumpled set lists and other ephemera. Limited release initially (saving for future exhibition/s on the project). Issue 65 of band lyrics released at the same time. Jan 2018.